Introductory talks

Please see below for details of our introductory talks. You can book into any of the given talks immediately. If none are currently listed, or if you have any questions for the teacher, please contact the centre directly at the telephone or the email on our contact us page.

Introductory talks are free of charge and by attending, you are under no obligation to learn.

Courses of Instruction

We teach Transcendental Meditation courses at weekends and during the week. Times are flexible. A course consists of four sessions on four consecutive days. Each session lasts between 1.5 – 2 hours. There is an optional six-month follow up programme that is included in the course fee.


Upcoming Introductory Talks

Date Time Brief Address or Area Title Places Sortable Date

Ana Filipovska
Teacher of Transcendental Meditation:

"We look forward to hearing from you and helping you to find out more about learning Transcendental Meditation"